
Free, open-source service and framework for conversion between video, audio and text.

SignON developed a free, open-source service and framework for conversion between video, audio and text, translating between sign and spoken languages, delivered to users via an easy-to-use mobile application.

SignON is a user-centric and community-driven project that aims to facilitate the exchange of information among Deaf, hard of hearing and hearing individuals across Europe, targeting the Irish, Englsh, Dutch, Flemish and Spanish sign languages as well as the English, Irish, Dutch and Spanish spoken languages.

The SignON consortium has brought together a wide-ranging and complementary set of skills and expertise.  The consortium includes members who represent and/or work closely with deaf communities (EUD, VGTC, DCU, KU Leuven and TCD), sign linguistics (KU Leuven, TCD, DCU, TU Dublin), exploitation, innovation and design (MAC, VRT and FINCONS), natural language processing, infrastructure and policies (TU Dublin, NTU, UPF, INT and KU Leuven), machine translation and quality estimation (UPV/EHU, KU Leuven, TiU), sign language recognition (UGent and UCD), 3D animation and avatar synthesis (TU Dublin and UPF/GTI group) and automated speech recognition (RU).

The SignON EU consortium includes 17 European partners led by Dublin City University (Ireland) and Tilburg University (Netherlands).