To celebrate World Environment Day, in June 2021 Fincons planted around 2000 new trees in Africa, bringing the Fincons Forest to life.
The Forest is made of 13 tree species that respect biodiversity and the environment in Africa, a continent which we feel very close to, thanks to different charity projects we are carrying on. Our trees are located in Kenya, Cameroon, Tanzania and Madagascar: four different countries to foster biodiversity and help more communities, while fighting climate change and helping out the planet.
The importance of trees
Planting trees means contributing to build new agroforestry systems. Trees can restore a healthy and sustainable ecosystem, enriching local people’s diet with their fruits, protecting the coasts, purifying water and giving shelter to insects and animals. Moreover, our forest allows us to pursue 10 out of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.
Our trees respect the seasonality and biodiversity of the different regions, and were chosen according to annual project plans. They absorb CO2 and produce oxygen, but not only: all our trees are planted by local farmers that look after them and that can eat or sell their fruits, creating more work for local communities.
Fighting climate change
Each tree is geolocated and photographed for its whole life, to discover more about the agroforestry projects in which every tree is involved and the stories behind the people that look after them. These are our “green sentries” in the world, that will allow us to save up to 486.000 kg of CO2 in 10 years: according to the EPA - United States Environment Protection Agency, that’s the equivalent of the emissions produced by 106 cars in one year!