ISO 45001 Certification

No poverty Zero hunger Good health and well-being Quality education Gender equality Clear water and sanitation Affordable and clean energy Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities and communities Responsible consumption and production Climate action Life below water Life on land Peace, justice and strong institutions Partnerships for the goals

We are UNI ISO 45001:2018 – “Occupational health and safety management systems” certified. This identifies the following requirements have been satisfied:

  • assessment of health and safety risks with the adoption of a systematic approach to eliminate them at source or, if it’s not possible, to at least minimize them, reducing accidents and occupational diseases and reducing costs and impacts on the business;
  • promotion of information and training initiatives to spread and consolidate the culture of health, safety and well-being, aimed at the adoption of a safe and responsible behavior;
  • guarantee the availability of workplaces suitable for carrying out work activities in order to obtain the best conditions for health, safety, comfort and well-being;
  • rigorous selection of suppliers involving them in the continuous improvement programs necessary to guarantee the best safety performance.


No poverty Zero hunger Good health and well-being Quality education Gender equality Clear water and sanitation Affordable and clean energy Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities and communities Responsible consumption and production Climate action Life below water Life on land Peace, justice and strong institutions Partnerships for the goals

A report on some of our most relevant projects involving our people, the environment and communities near and far.

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