The CdP2 includes the Industrial Research and Experimental Development activities provided for by the Program Contract co-financed by the Apulia Region called Smart Digital Platform (Regional Operational Project FESR 2014-2020, Regional Regulation no. 17/2014 - Title II Chapter 1 - " Aiuti ai programmi di investimento delle Grandi Imprese"). Through this Research and Development project, FINCONS intended to study, define and develop a set of new ICT products and methodologies for the "Media" market and, more generally, for the Creative Industries.
A further objective was to validate the results of these activities in realistic business scenarios, relating to some verticalizations of the market: televisions, publishers of newspapers and magazines, information agencies. To give added value, in particular to Industrial Research activities, FINCONS made use of the specialized collaboration of professors and researchers of the Politecnico di Bari (Department of Electrical and Information Engineering).