Analysis, definition and realisation of a new generation of rights management solutions.

The CdP3 covers Industrial Research and Experimental Development activities provided for by the Smart Rights Management Program Contract (Regional Regulation no. 17/2014 -Title II Chapter 2) co-financed by the Puglia Region.

The Research and Development project aims to analyze, define and implement a new generation of solutions for the management of rights and their monetization in a multi-platform perspective, covering all phases of the multi-channel rights management process, from negotiation and acquisition to resale.

The main targets of the initiative are:

  1. The development of a platform based on a modern architecture, with particular attention to functionality and the use of technologies to innovate and / or optimize every aspect of the legal process
  2. The development of platform-based experimental prototypes to validate use cases in realistic business scenarios for the Media sector (broadcasters, publishers, news agencies, etc.)
  3. Definition of a "business and process consulting" methodology focused on the transformation of legal systems and processes along the entire digital supply chain

For the innovative components of this Industrial Research, FINCONS avails itself of the specialized collaboration of professors and researchers from the Polytechnic of Bari (Department of Electrical and Information Engineering).