This year our theatre workshop turns ten years old. We want to celebrate this important birthday with a number of novelties. First and foremost the presence of FinconsTekne into the big community of social network with the creation of a new Facebook page and a Life section in Fincons LinkedIn page. Aware of the uniqueness and peculiarity of the project, we have the desire to share with you all the excitement, the enthusiasm and the passion of our “doing theatre”. All of this in order to share with you the importance of our initiative, which offers great value to the Company through the people involved. A training path based on dialogue, comparison and research, three activities that encourage the consciousness of people's identities in a different context, parallel to their career. Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn to discover the next initiatives and also keep updated on recent projects that will become stage performances, hopefully soon.
Read here below the message of the director Anna Maria Delzotti Moretti:
Simply a way to celebrate the anniversary of a RENDEZVOUS: two apparently unrelated worlds, the Company and the Theatre, tune up notes and instruments to produce a common melody; the score is written on the lines of passion and committment, combining knowledge, talent and vision.
The base of this matrix is the activity to grow, allowing people's full development, respecting the different identities, that will become a valuable asset for any beneficial change.
The improvement of the results will be the by-product of the horizons to be broadened and attained, through the consciousness of the value and strength that arises from one's own self.