What’s on in the US? A deep dive into the international state of the art for NextGen TV

What’s on in the US? A deep dive into the international state of the art for NextGen TV

After learning from European HbbTV developments, now the US reciprocate sharing their ATSC3 experiences. In an unmissable webinar organised by the HbbTV Association in collaboration with Fincons, we went through the latest advancements, experiences and future trends directly from the voice of industry leaders.

Francesco Moretti, Deputy CEO and CEO International, traces the strong bond of the Group with Hybrid NextGen TV; starting from a pioneering and visionary presence heavily based on innovation, that has seen the Company very active since day one both in Europe and in the US, up to current priorities and future plans.

Oliver Botti, Strategic Marketing and Innovation Executive Director, summarizes Fincons’ extensive experience with Hybrid NextGenTV: from user interactivity, content personalization and new advertising models, to GDPR compliance and live audience measurement.

If you missed it, you can watch the entire recording here.

Or, if you only have five minutes, you can choose to watch one of the following short video-snippets: