Magento Competence Center

Take the most out of your e-commerce platform

Magento Competence Center Magento Competence Center

Empowering e-commerce

The e-commerce channel is growing exponentially, becoming key within corporate sales strategy. It’s now essential for TIER-1 companies to create modern e-commerce platforms, distinctive, scalable and customized to meet customer needs and achieve business goals.

In this context, Magento 2 provides a leading B2C and B2B e-commerce open-source platform, supported by a large international community of developers, that guarantees a flexible modular architecture, which allows for easy customization and third-party extension integration. It also offers a set of ready-to-use capabilities that cover the digital customer journey, focusing on an innovative shopping experience.
By combining technical and functional skills, Fincons can support companies in all phases of an e-commerce project, including integration with other company systems even in complex application architectures.

In Numbers
E-commerce websites created
International references
Skilled Resources


Promotion and Pricing Promotion and Pricing
Catalogue & Product Browsing Catalogue & Product Browsing
Search Engine Search Engine
Customer Accounts Customer Accounts
Customer Loyalty Customer Loyalty
Checkout Checkout
Payment Payment
Order Management Order Management
Order History & Tracking Order History & Tracking
Analytics and Reporting Analytics and Reporting

Platform Strenghts

Content Monetization

Magento 2 is based on a platform specifically developed as an eCommerce enabler. What makes it different from alternative approaches is the adoption of e2e platform, in addition to advanced out-of -the-box features for product catalogue.

Standard eCommerce Platform

Based on one of the leading eCommerce platforms, Magento 2 stands out for flexibility, configurability, interoperability and extensibility typical of a standard-based open-source-platform.

Customized application logic

Customized application logic enables the different business models to meet specific needs of digital services. Furthermore, the availability of standard interfaces towards the typically involved systems make it easier meet customers' needs.


Transaction Management Transaction Management
Customer Management Customer Management
Offer Management Offer Management
Advances Promotion Management Advanced Promotion Management
Omnichannel strategy Omnichannel strategy
Why Fincons

Thanks to the solid experience developed with numerous tier-1 customers, in order to create e-commerce for both the sale of physical and digital products, we can follow all phases of the e-commerce project, from assessment and analysis of requirements to technical solution architecture design, implementation, and application maintenance.

Thanks to our flexible delivery model, we can provide high quality service at competitive rates.

Why Fincons

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